Frequently asked questions

Have a question?  Here are some of our most common questions and solutions.  If you don't find what you are looking for here, please don't hesitate to contact us using the contact link at the bottom of the page.

Are you a contractor, builder or real Estate agent?

No.   We are none of these.  We are design consultants, homeowners, and we manage our own properties.  Though we are not contractors, builders, or real estate agents, we have a trusted list of providers that we can recommend to assist you in whatever concept you might be dreaming of!


DO you buy homes?

Yes!  We target the Haymount neighborhood and the adjacent neighborhoods for our home purchases.  We have a specific criteria that we look for in a home, so we do not purchase everything that comes our way.  If you are interested in selling your home, please let us know!


First of all, congratulations on your investment!  We find owning homes a very dynamic and exciting way to build your future.  There is not a fast or easy answer to this question, but we offer consultation services to help you build a plan and understand the steps you need to take in getting your foot in the door.  Please contact us to learn more!

How much do you charge?

This is a broad based question and the answer depends on the scope of your needs.  Do you need an hour of decorating advice to freshen your home?  Do you need a project design with recommendations on who to call and how to complete the task?  Are you interested in learning the rental ropes?  As you can see, an hour or two is much different than large scaled project.  Please contact us and we'll do our very best to help support your need while fitting into your financial plan.

What do you sell?

We are building!  We are hoping to offer home decor and materials to improve your education and lives through rental and home design.  Currently, we often offer the staging materials that we use for our rental homes.  If you see products listed, then they are currently for sale for local pick up. This is an area that we are working to expand but need a little time to do so. Please check back soon!