Design, Selling Your Home Casey Benander Design, Selling Your Home Casey Benander

Buying and selling a smart home

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Everything You Need to Know about Buying or Selling a Smart Home

A featured guest post from Kris!
Kris Louis --

They say there is a learning curve to everything, and for most of us, a smart home transaction is a whole new experience that can seem especially complicated.  What happens when the gadgets change hands, and will having devices installed help or hurt a sale?  Haymount Homes offers some pertinent advice for buyers and sellers who are heading into the smart home market for the first time.

What devices should I install?  The selection of smart devices is almost overwhelming, so contemplate what choices will make your home more comfortable for you, and what will bring substantial convenience.  You can test drive smart home gadgetry with something small and simple, such as smart plugs.  Anything you connect to one can be controlled by phone, allowing you to alter your home environment whether you’re near or far.  

Will technology help sell my house?  Automation isn’t likely to be a big player in selling a home.  If the decision is narrowed to a few houses and all other features are equal, installed technology might help a buyer choose your property, but it’s unlikely to influence a sale dramatically in either direction.  With that in mind, decide on devices offering you optimal personal benefit.  Whatever smart devices you choose to install, note you are best off hiring a professional electrician to ensure things are wired in properly.  

Here are some popular smart home selections:

Window treatments can be a boon in the summer.  Being able to control drapes, blinds and other window treatments when you aren’t home means you can close your west side-facing curtains during the day, reducing heat from the afternoon sun.  It’s a savings on energy use and utility bills, and on top of that, being able to close curtains remotely means you can make it look like you are home even when you aren’t. 

Smart security systems will give homeowners peace of mind. There are a variety of smart security options you can choose from: video doorbells, all-in-one home security systems, motion-sensing solar outdoor lights, indoor cameras, and even alarm sensors that notify you when windows or doors have been opened. The best smart security technology allows homeowners to stream video from their phone, so they always know their home is safe no matter where they are. 


Smart appliances can both boost your home’s efficiency and help you be more productive.  For example, there are smart kitchen scales into which you can note what ingredients are on hand, and it will offer you recipe suggestions.  

Thermostats are a big hit with homeowners, offering energy efficiency by learning habits and making changes accordingly.

Smart lighting can also be a benefit to homeowners, as smart bulbs can work in accordance with your patterns, helping you sleep better, work more efficiently, and even better manage your appetite.  On top of all that, you can save money and energy.  

Integrating devices.  There are a couple important options to help with device integration.  One option is a hub, which is designed for linking devices so they can talk to one another.  However, it’s important to understand that not all gadgets will speak the same language, so you should research what will work with your selections.  One suggestion for managing this concern is to purchase smart home devices from retailers that will allow you to return them if there is a problem.  Good Housekeeping points out you can also use your smartphone to access IFTTT (If This, Then That).  In this way, you establish protocol for your various smart devices. For instance, if movement is detected by a smart security camera while you’re at work, your smart curtains close.  

Buying and selling.  When it comes time to sell or purchase a property with automation installed, many people are confused about navigating the process.  Notion explains sellers should delete their accounts, and reset all smart home products and devices to their factory settings.  Make a list of all the gadgets and what they do so buyers know what to expect.  Buyers should ensure they contact tech support regarding change of ownership immediately, and update all contact information.

Most of us are new to buying and selling smart homes.  Learn about the devices available and what will work for you.  With a little research, you can make informed decisions, improving your convenience and comfort.  You will be able to enter the smart home real estate market with confidence!

Do you need help staging your home for sale? Or do you just want help making your living space feel more beautiful? Haymount Homes can help! We provide the tools, advice and services you need to make your home shine. Reach out to us today! 

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Family, Staging Casey Benander Family, Staging Casey Benander

Moving to Fayetteville? Resources to help you unpack - Guest Post

Reduce the stress of moving to Fayetteville with easy resources!

haymount homes llc moving to fayetteville tips

Happy Sunday, Y’all!

Are you moving to Fayetteville or know someone that is? Our friend Kristen Louis @parentingwithkris has done us a favor and compiled a great resource list with links to help smooth the moving transition.

The challenge of moving is hard enough, but when you add re-organizing your life into the mix, it only gets harder. Not only are you trying to minimize the stress of moving and the impact it has you and your family, but you also need to quickly figure out what services you need….or even where the darn grocery store is. It can be overwhelming and time consuming.

Fortunately, Kris Louis, from, has a wonderful game plan for busy people who are trying to minimize the drama of relocation. Following her tips (even just some of them!), can really help ease the work and the stress of moving to Fayetteville. Read on for her ideas and strategies that are sure to decrease the stress and hopefully increase your sleep during your move! If you want more tips from Kris, please be sure to visit her website! While the list is not fully comprehensive, it is certainly a good start and time saver for you.



Haymount Homes LLC moving to fayetteville unpack

8 Types of Resources That Can Make Your Move to Fayetteville, NC Go Smoothly 

Buying a new home and moving to a new city can leave anyone feeling exhausted. If you’ve been dealing with offers, paperwork, closings, and moving prep, you may not have any energy left for anything else once you are moved into your new home. If you want to get settled in faster, however, you may need to take care of a few more tasks before you begin relaxing. For folks that are moving to Fayetteville, this list of local resources can make completing those moving checklists less of a hassle, so your new city feels like a home much faster. 

Keeping Your Lawn & Garden Green

A bright and tidy lawn can brighten up your spirits, so here are a few top garden resources for you to consider: 

Local plants near Fayetteville, NC

North Carolina Planting Zones

Lawn Maintenance & Mowing Services in Fayetteville, NC

Organizing & Decorating Your New Home 

Keeping your home tidy can also help you feel less stressed, and these cleaning and organizing resources can certainly help you out:

11 Ideas for a Clutter-Free Home

10 Best Places to Buy Organizers (Besides the Container Store)

Professional Decorating Help near Fayetteville

Self-Storage Units in Fayetteville, North Carolina

Finding Care for Children & Pets 

Whether you need a date night or your dog walked, these directories will help you find the help you need for your human and furry children alike: 

Daycare or Preschool — What's Best for Your Family

Find a Babysitter in Fayetteville, NC

Directory of Pet Businesses in Fayetteville, NC

Find a Local Pet Sitter in Fayetteville, NC Online

Looking for Deals at Local Stores 

Moving can be expensive, but shopping the discounts at local retailers can help you save some stress, cash, and time: 

Moving soon? Save Hundreds with These 21 Housewarming Discounts

The 7 Best Supermarkets in Fayetteville

Add Coupons to Your Grocery Card

Searching for Self-Care Services 

You’re going to need to unwind after moving into your perfect new home. So treat yourself to a local yoga class or spa session: 

Best Spas in Fayetteville

How to Get Started with Yoga

The 7 Best Gyms in Fayetteville, NC

Enrolling Children in Local Schools

When the new school year starts, these resources will help you find a welcoming place for your child to learn and grow: 

Find schools in Fayetteville

Cumberland County Schools Enrollment

Moving Your Business

If you are a maker, a consultant, or a small business owner and plan to bring your business with you, here are some tips on how to ensure a smooth transition:

Relocate Your Business in NC

North Carolina LLC Instructions

Marketing Tips for Business Relocation

How to Update Your Online Presence

Hooking Up Essential Services & Utilities

Your new house isn’t a home until you can take a hot shower and surf the internet in peace. So use these links to connect your basic utilities:  

Fayetteville Public Works Commission

Cumberland County Public Utilities

Internet Providers

Feeling at home in Fayetteville can take some time, but it doesn’t have to require a lot of stress. Use the links, resources, and tools above to ease this transition, and you will feel like a local in no time. Congratulations on your new home, and welcome to Fayetteville! 

Photo Credit: Rawpixel


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Family, Staging Casey Benander Family, Staging Casey Benander

Selling your home? How to keep it clean for showings - Guest Post

Reduce the stress of keeping your home clean for showings - especially if you are a busy parent!

haymount homes llc cleaning tips for showings

Happy Sunday, Y’all!

We have a hot real estate market for a change, which is welcome news for all of us. However, that can lead to additional stress with last minute showings and narrow time windows. How is a busy family supposed to keep pace? The last thing you want is your potential buyer scared away by greasy dishes, dirty bathrooms, and that lingering “what smell is that?” feeling!

The challenge of keeping your home clean is hard enough, but when you add kids into the mix, it adds another layer of complexity. Not only are you trying to minimize the stress of moving and the impact it has on them, but also they have stuff…like lots of stuff…and it seems to reproduce on its own. I am pretty sure every room of our home has at least 3 nerf gun darts, 3 crayons, and who knows how many legos stashed around. What’s a busy parent to do?

Fortunately, Kris Louis, from, has a wonderful game plan for busy parents who are trying to sell their home. Following her tips (even just some of them!), can really help ease the work and the stress of selling your home. Read on for her ideas and strategies that are sure to decrease the stress and hopefully increase your offers! If you want more tips from Kris, please be sure to visit her website!


How Busy Parents Can Keep Their Homes Looking Clean and Clutter-Free for Real Estate Showings


Image via Unsplash

You may be wondering how you’re supposed to keep your home looking clean and organized for realtor showings while you’re still living there—especially when a typical day consists of food messes, sticky doorknobs and walls, and dirty paw prints on your hardwood floors and carpeting. But with a few smart strategies, even busy families can be ready when house hunters call. Here’s what you need to know. 

Upgrade Your Household Products

Cleaning is obviously going to take a starring role in your daily life for a while, and when you’re busy parenting, working, and attempting to sell your home, there are a few household products that will help keep things simple when you’re short on time or preparing for a last-minute showing. For instance, a robot vacuum can keep your floors clean and free of crumbs, pet hair, dirt, and dust—even on days where you don’t have time to run a traditional vacuum cleaner.

If your realtor contacts you about a last-minute showing, however, you’ll need a tool that’s on deck for quick tidy-ups. As such, a stick vacuum may be an excellent investment—especially if you’re looking for something lightweight, cordless, and easy to operate. Some will even convert to hand vacs, which is a serious boon in any busy family household.

Lastly, purchase an apron with large pockets in the front and store your essential cleaning supplies in them. This way, you can grab the apron in a hurry and get to cleaning your home in no time. 

Focus on the Areas That Matter Most

After working with Haymount Homes to stage your home beautifully, your next step is keeping it that way. But with kids and pets in the mix, you’ll need to take a few minutes out of each day to clean, organize, and keep up on household tasks—such as cleaning the kitchen, bathrooms, and entryway to your home. 

By moving much of your personal belongings into storage, however, you’ll make life a whole lot easier before showings—especially if you only keep the items that you and your family use on a daily basis. SmartBox Moving and Storage recommends pulling extra furniture, personal things like mementos and photos, and taste-specific decor. With these things out of the way, buyers can focus on your house, and you’ll have more elbow room for breezing through those speed cleaning sessions. 

If you receive a call about a last-minute showing and don’t have time to clean the entire home, Redefy Real Estate recommends taking a few minutes to focus on the kitchen, bathrooms, and main living areas. Deodorize the home, wipe down the counters, fixtures, and mirrors, move dirty dishes into the dishwasher, and re-arrange throw pillows and blankets in all living areas. Then, turn on the lights, open the blinds or drapes, take out the trash, and head out the door before your potential buyers arrive.  

Set a Few New Household Rules

As you show your home to potential buyers, you’ll keep your living areas clean, organized, and clutter-free if you establish a few ground rules for your family to follow. On showing days, for instance, avoid cooking odorous foods like broccoli, cabbage, eggs, or fish, and skip messy breakfasts like pancakes with syrup. You might even want to prepare make-ahead breakfasts that aren’t messy and are easy to grab and heat. 

Moreover, you’ll keep your home cleaner if you banish food from all areas except for the kitchen table. Then, have everyone load their dishes into the dishwasher immediately after they finish with a meal or snack. To minimize kitchen messes, however, you may even opt for disposable plates, cups, and silverware when showings are scheduled. 

Lastly, you’ll reduce clutter throughout the home if you set a new rule that requires your kids to put their personal belongings away after each use. For storing these stray items, purchase empty baskets and bins that can easily be hidden away during showings. 

As you can see, living in a home that you’re trying to sell can get complicated—but there are a few things you can do to make it more endurable. Select a few smart tools, enact strategies with simplicity in mind, and get everyone involved. With these tips in mind, your home will stay clean and show-ready—and you’ll manage to keep your sanity while you sell your home. 

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