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How to Spark Joy in Your Life with DIY Decluttering

Guest post by Virginia Cooper

There are many jobs around your home that require an expert, but if you’re thinking of tidying and decluttering your home, you really do not need an expert to get the job done. All you really need for a cleaner, more organized home are some tips to make the tasks involved easier - and maybe even more fun!

Start by Taking Out and Sorting through Your Things

When you’re ready to begin tidying up your home, it’s helpful to pull everything out. Having everything laid out this way will help you see how much you really have in your home, and will make it easier to decide what needs to go. Take note of items you may have duplicates of or things you no longer need, and put them into their own box. You can toss unneeded items, but it might give you a greater sense of satisfaction if you donate them instead.

Think About Renting a Storage Unit to Make Life Easier 

For those items you’re not ready to let go of, consider putting them into a local storage unit. To save time, think about contacting a service to handle this part of the decluttering process. The company sends you a secure storage container to put your things in, and collects it to take to the storage storage unit once you’ve filled it. Plus you will create more space for storage inside your home. You can also use one of these fun garage projects to make better use of that square footage. 

Burn Some Calories While You Tidy and Clean Your Home 

We’ve talked about ways to make decluttering easier, but if you want to stick to all of your cleaning and organizing tasks, you need to make them fun. As you move around your rooms picking things up and wiping surfaces down, consider dancing while cleaning to make housework double as a fitness routine. If you’re not the dancing type, use these active cleaning tips to get the most out of your tidying and decluttering project.

Redo Your Walls to Open Up Your Space

Get the most out of your decluttering efforts by dressing up your home and making it feel less cramped. When painting, avoid dramatic color changes and look for patterns that complement your space. Another idea is to use custom-designed wallpaper for an elegant touch. Repositionable and removable wallpaper allows for simplified application, and it’s available in an assortment of textures and colors.  

Give Yourself a Reward for All of that Effort and Hard Work

Getting your home organized will reduce your stress, but you may need more motivation to actually get the job done. To make yourself want to work on cleaning up, make a commitment to treat yourself to something special once all the work is done. Maybe you can go out for a nice dinner at your favorite restaurant, or you can think bigger and treat yourself to a relaxing staycation. You definitely deserve it! 

You may not feel a lot of joy while you tidy up your home, but you’ll feel more relaxed afterward. It takes some work to get a home organized, but it definitely does not take an expensive expert. Save that money for something that truly sparks joy for you, and take care of the tidying up all on your own. 

When you’ve finished decluttering, reach out to Haymount Homes to help decorate and design your home. Schedule a consultation today!

Photo Credit: Pexels

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